Economics: buy, sell, grind

If all you have is the $5 starter fee, then your main path to building up your presence in Kingdom will be to forage wild items and sell them to more established Players.

Dropboxes can be found throughout the lands of Kingdom. In these boxes, other Players will list items for sale, and items they wish to buy.

Your goal will be to accumulate Gold, and use it to buy either:

  • Wood, to help you create Soil or your own dropbox

  • A forest tile (gives you permanent access to Wood)

  • A dropbox of your own (allows you to buy/sell)

If you have more funds, buying a forest Tile is likely the fastest way to accelerate in the game. Trees on forest Tiles can be chopped once every 8 hours for 3 Wood per tree. Wood can be sold or used to craft many of the early game objects.

Starting a farm is likely the best way for new Players to get started if they cannot afford a forest Tile. Soil objects can be crafted with a small amount of Wood and other foragable items. A Soil object is then used to grow plants that only you can harvest. Carrots grow very fast, and can keep a dedicated farmer busy for a while. Other crops grow more slowly. Pick a crop mix that best suits your style of gameplay!

Note: Special objects like scarecrows may impact the speed or quality of your harvests.

Note: There is a chance to harvest more than 1 item per Soil object (up to 3).

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